Portuguese soprano Camila Mandillo finished her master’s degree, with first class honors, at the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin, under the guidance of Professors Martin Bruns and Uta Priew.
Whilst studying, she was generously supported by the Deutschland Stipendium, Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Berlin e.V. and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She was also a recipient of the “DMR Stipendienprogramms 2022 im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR” award.
Camila began her musical studies at the National Conservatory of Lisbon School of Music, where in 2014 she graduated from singing, composition and classical guitar. She was a founding member, soloist and artistic assistant of the University of Lisbon Youth Choir.
She has performed in numerous masterclasses with artists including Sophie Koch (at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, in Belgium); Deborah York; Jill Feldman; Sarah Maria Sun; Janet Williams; Scott Weir and Robert Dean Smith.
Her operatic roles have included, amongst others: Donna Anna and Zerlina in Mozart's “Don Giovanni”; Susanna in Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro; Pamina in Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte”; Giulia in Rossini’s “La Scala di Seta”; Morgana in Handel’s “Alcina”; Belinda in Purcell’s “Dido and Aeneas”; Hana in “Blown off course” by Pedro Rebelo, and Ser I in “A Laugh to Cry" by Miguel Azguime – award-winning Opera which obtained the High Patronage of the Portuguese Presidency of the Republic – a project with which she took part in a national and international tour from 2022 to the present.
She is active in the contemporary music scene, with notable performances including her debut at the Deutsche Oper Berlin in a principal role in “Neuen Szenen IV” – production included in the 18/19 theatre programme; her performance as one of the soloists in the ENOA Workshop 'Composing for Voices and Orchestra with Kaija Saariaho', with the Gulbenkian Orchestra; her participation as one of the sopranos selected for the ‘Impuls 2023 Festival’ Academy, in Graz, Austria - singing in concert with Cantando Admonte and the IEMA Ensemble; her performance as the Portuguese representative (with trumpeter João Silva), at the ‘Art’s Birthday – Euroradio Ars Acustica Special Evening 2023’ – with direct broadcast to various countries; her active collaboration with the Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble, including amongst others, the opening of the “Música Viva 2022” Festival with a performance of ‘Voi (Rex)’ by Philippe Leroux; a solo recital part of the “Emerging Talents Cycle” of the “Música Viva 2021” Festival, with live Broadcast for the Antena 2 - Classical National Radio Channel of Portugal; a performance of Gérard Grisey's “Quatre chants pour franchir le seuil” with the Echo Ensemble; a solo performance in the “Poesie und Musikverbinden Zeiten und Welten” – event organised by the Mendelssohn Gesellschaft Berlin.
Future projects include the opening of the "Música Viva 2024" Festival, where she will perform ‘Mysteries of the Macabre’ by György Ligeti, with the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra.